Cultural Anthropology
Anthropology is the study of humanity and it includes prehistoric origins and contemporary human diversity. It covers a great span of time and a wide span of topics. Though there are four major fields of anthropology, the focus will be on cultural anthropology.
Cultural anthropology is the study of living people and their cultures. Culture is
learned and shared behaviors and beliefs in a group of people.
An Example of a Subculture:
Harley-Davidson Riders fit perfectly under the Cultural Umbrella. In America, there are many cultural ideologies that tend to cross boundaries. Examples are the tattoo culture, 'Need for Speed' culture (muscle cars, motor boats, fast airplanes), rock 'n' roll, bar culture and gym buffs.
All of these cultures by themselves are a cultural anthropologist's dream to study. One has to remember even within these are smaller cultural umbrellas (microcultures).
Harley-Davidson riders take all of these cultures listed above and live them as a lifestyle with a persona to match. Harley owners wear expensive vests, gloves, boots and most of all, spend most of their money on their bike. The riders' social norms are mainly to ride solo, ride with your loved one or ride with a few friends combining to make a bunch of noise (the Harley rumbling trademark). Harley-Davidson riders have their own clubs and motorcycle shows where outsiders can meet and greet, but you must not touch their precious iconic bikes. Within the lifestyle of Harley-Davidson comes many types of enthusiasts. You have differences being culture, age, gender, race, beliefs and riding characteristics.
Riding characteristics entail the style and additude in which you ride your motorcycle. Are you a babyboomer that is enjoying the classic sound of the engine? Are you a middle-aged enthusiast with his first bike wearing a rock 'n' roll shirt while rinding (showing the love for music)? Are you a female rider braving it all, showing girl power? Are you a lawyer dressing for work and riding, who doesn't fully understand commiting to the lifestyle by means of having the Harley rider look?
All of these rider charactaristics listed above, are some of the various personal traits and riding habits of the Harley consumer/Riders, that you may see on a daily basis weither you are a rider or not.
< === More On Harley-Davidson Brotherhood Lifestyle Watch This!
Moving on, every culture shares universal human functions to stay alive. They are eating, drinking, sleeping and eliminating. However, all are approached differently around the world. There are many characteristics of culture: it is not the same as nature; it is based on symbols; it is learned; it begins at the moment of birth; cultures are integrated into a whole system; they interact and change through the process of globalization (the movement of goods, info and people), which is a major force of contemporary cultural.
Four Models of Cultural Interaction
The Clash of Civilizations model divides the world into the 'West and the rest'.
The McDonalization model says that under the influence of the United States corporate culture, the world is becoming culturally homogeneous. The fast food culture has principles of mass production, speed, standardization and impersonal service.Hybridization is when aspects of two or more cultures blend to create something new.
Localization is when local culture affects global culture and something new is created
Ex: McDonald's will alter their menu to accommodate different cultures. As demonstrated below you see the many local menu items McDonald's has for Mexico, Italy, China and India.
See a video about Localization of McDonalds in India here:
People can be a part of multiple cultural worlds because of their class, race, ethnicity, indigenous people, gender, age, and institutions. There are many concepts and theories about cultural anthropology, but there is a high value placed on diversity in each one of them.
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