Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Digitally Consumed


Digitally Consumed - Life With A Mobile Internet


As desktop computers took over our lives, engineers began brainstorming on ways to make the world wide web accessible and portable.  The creation of laptop computers created a mainstream portable version of the Internet.  Everyone could connect to the Internet, but people were limited by the 56k modem.  Connection was only available for access through a land-line.  As time progressed, the modem became obsolete when wireless technology replaced it.  Laptops and desktop computers could access the Internet with a faster and more efficient connection.  Wireless technology has let laptop users connect to a mobile version of the world wide web.  Internet routers and hotspot software were distributed to businesses like coffee shops, bookstores and cafes.  You could access the web on your laptop anywhere.

 Robots - An Extra Companion

 The invention and study of robots is not new.  Wind-up toys of the 1950's were small medal robots trying to resemble the future.  The Jetson's cartoon was based on the cyborg future and had a robot butler named Rosie.  As we entered the 1980s, many of the sci-fi movies had fictional characters that were robots.  From movies like E.T. to more modern movies like Wall-E, robots and futuristic life have been a mainstream concept.  Various toy companies started creating lines of toys that were motorized by moving parts.  These modern toys were much better than the wind-up toys.  Character toys like Teddy Rugspin and Tickle Me Elmo were in households everywhere.  As kids needed a toy that would give them companionship, computer enhanced toys like Furby, Penbo and Aibo were created as an interactive friend.  These new toys engaged children's imagination and social skills.  Merchandise from Sci-Fi movies including robots was an interest for people of all ages.  Toys based on movie characters were being released with computerized vocals from the film.  More mature films started using robot characters: examples are Star Trek and Star Wars.    

                                          Kismet (MIT Project Robot)


Smartphones and Being One With The Internet (A New DNA Strand in Human Biology)


The idea of robotic friendship was modernized and digitized as mobile phones started to incorporate the concept of the Smart Phone.  The concept of  mobile Internet has flourished in recent decades with cellphones that have a web browser, but today's cellphones are futuristic cyborgs that have apps that run our daily lives.  The idea of calling someone has been replaced by texting, video and images. 
Problems and Stresses of Modern Digital Devices

  • We spend our day waiting for a reply or watching facebook and twitter updates. 
  • Movie theaters, business meetings, restaurants and even libraries have been filled with a digital orchestra of notification sounds from Smartphones and Blackberries. 
  • Attention in class has been compromised by always having your phone with you.  Remembering to turn your cell to mute has become a daily task and stress. 
  • Life has its own problems, but having to worry about someone texting you back all day has become a problem of its own. 
  • We are so interconnected with our Androids and IPhones that most of our daily lives are now spent digitally.  Spending time with family is not the same, as everyone has digital matters to stress about (email, texting, etc.) 
  • We meet with our friends and loved ones, but at the same time we are absent minded. 
  • We have become one with the world wide web as our mobile devices sit in our pocket or purse. 
  • Our DNA is not complete without our digital devices, they complete our daily brain functions, compiling our have-to-do lists and music. 
  • Today remembering phone numbers is a thing of the past; even remembering someone's email address has become a complicated matter.  Everything is automated, so keeping track of passwords and user named is another stress. 
  • Fun boardgames like Connect Four, Sorry, Life and Trivial Pursuit are entertainment of the past; we are looking towards our digital devices as the current outlet for fun and bonding with friends.   

  1. Has our involvement with social media actually made us less social out in the world?
  2. In your opinion: What are the pros and cons of using modern technology?
  3. What do you think about Robots and Interactive Companionship?

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